Hardwearing general-purpose mixture designed to withstand the pressures of equestrian use and provide good quality grazing for horses.
- Produces a good, spring, dense turf
- Strong grass plant rooting system, making the sward hard-wearing and persistent
- Yields good levels of effective roughage, ideal for a fit and healthy equine gut
Sowing Advice
- Checking fertility status - especially the pH (soil pH needs to be 6-6.5 for grass)
- Check for, and correct any soil compaction
- Sow into a fine, firm seedbed with adequate moisture levels
- Seed bed fertiliser can be beneficial - low Nitrogen, apply good rates of potash and phosphate (depending on soil fertility) to aid establishment
When to sow
- Grass seed can be sown at anytime from April to September, ideally when the soil is moist or when rain is forecast and the weather is frost free. If possible keep the horses off as long as possible to enable establishment.
Sow at a rate of at least 10kg per acre into a fine tilth seed bed covered by lightly harrowing and then roll to produce a firm seed bed.
- Loosen soil on bare patches by raking or grass harrows
- Scatter grass seed at the rate of 10kg per acre if using a spreader or at a rate of 10 grams (2 tablespoons) per square metre by hand
- Cover seed by lightly raking or harrowing and then firm by rolling or walking over