Bar Tech April 2021

Welcome to the April BarTech with thoughts, tops tips and advice from the UK Grass Experts. 

Cropvale Corner

cropvale Activity at Cropvale has increased and two of the trials on site have had the first harvest cuts of 2021; these trials are the Italian and Hybrid Ryegrasses Varieties Trial and the Simulated Grazing Trial.


In common with most areas of the country, grass growth has been slow this spring due to frosty nights and dry weather. The Italian and Hybrid Varieties Trial demonstrates their importance in these conditions, growing in cooler soil temperatures. 


The Italian and Hybrid Ryegrasses Varieties Trial was sown in autumn 2019 and is now in the second harvest year. This trial includes a selection of new varieties from Barenbrug breeding stations around the globe and varieties already successfully being used by farmers from Barenbrug globally. The trial will be used to see if they are viable and have potential for use in UK agriculture. If these varieties are successful in our trial site they would be put forward for independent testing and trials to potentially appear in UK recommended lists in 2030! Italian and Hybrid ryegrass species grow at lower soil temperatures which means they are ready to utilise earlier in the growing season. This early cut can attribute to around 10 – 15% of the total annual yield over a five cut system.


The Simulated Grazing Trial includes predominately perennial ryegrass varieties and was sown in autumn 2020. These trials run continuously at Cropvale, testing the yields, persistency, and several other factors of different varieties, including current and upcoming varieties being introduce in the next few years, to ensure we continue to offer the best varieties to market. It will be harvested 8 – 9 times per year, dependant on the growing season, to mimic rotational grazing by livestock. Generally, simulated grazing yields will be around 2/3 of what you would expect from silage management throughout the year. The first cut was taken at the end of March and although yields were low, a recent rain on a fertilised trial has seen a growth spurt and a second cut will need to be taken soon.


Both trials are recovering well, albeit everywhere could do with some consistently warmer temperatures and a good steady supply of rain.



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