Bar Tech
Welcome to the latest BarTech with thoughts, tops tips and advice from the UK Grass Experts on grass and herbal leys for livestock, arable and the environment.
Welcome to the latest BarTech with thoughts, tops tips and advice from the UK Grass Experts on grass and herbal leys for livestock, arable and the environment.
Herbal leys are grasslands made up of legume, herb and grass species and can be sown on arable and horticultural land, vegetable fields and temporary grassland. Herbal leys easily fit into arable and mixed farming rotations.
You can increase the diversity of forage and reduce the need for supplements. Diverse forage includes:
Herbal leys:
Grass & herbal leys at Groundswell
A blend of red clover varieties, to optimise performance across a variety of environmental and management conditions.
Lucerne combines good digestibility with high protein.
Discover our range of grass, forage, clover, herb and legume mixtures for the agriculture sector.
Discover our range of grass, forage, clover, herb and legume mixtures for the agriculture sector.
Discover our range of grass, forage, clover, herb and legume mixtures for the agriculture sector.