
Late perennial ryegrass - tetraploid

  • Excellent early grazing yield
  • Consistent growth pattern throughout growing season

Top performing under grazing and silage regimes.

112% Early grazing yield.

Grazing D value 77.5.

Consistent growth pattern throughout the growing season.



DESCRIPTION: Dark green, densely or loosely tufted. Folded shoot and leaves.

FLOWERING HEAD: Flattened spike with the spikelets arranged alternately on opposite sides of the stem. The spikelets are stalkless with the narrow, rounded face tting against the stem.

LEAF BLADE: Ribbed on upper surface, smooth and shiny underside. Red at base of stem.

AURICLES & LIGULE: Auricles are usually well developed, up to 1/12 of an inch (2 mm) long, or are sometimes lacking.

Grass bred for farmers

Barenbrug grass and forage genetics generate practical agronomic and environmental gains across UK farming systems.

Barenbrug grass and forage genetics generate practical agronomic and environmental gains across UK farming systems.

Barenbrug grass and forage genetics generate practical agronomic and environmental gains across UK farming systems.

Where to buy
the Barenbrug
product range
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