Vetch - Barvicos

Delivers rapid soil coverage, highly productive and rich in protein

  • Delivers rapid soil coverage, highly productive and rich in protein
  • BARVICOS has vigorous growth and is winter hardy. It will establish and grow well on most soil types, helping to soak up nutrients and hold in the soil for use by spring cropping or reseeding
  • Vetch can be used typically 70-100 days after sowing, when 30-50% of the plants have flowered
  • Diary
  • Beef
  • Sheep


  • Deep rooting and improves soil structure
  • Rapid soil coverage
  • Highly productive and protein-rich forage variety
  • Can be sown either as monoculture or as part of mixtures with other species, such as clovers and annual grasses
  • Good resistance to colder temperatures
  • Good resistance against diseases


Utilisation: Cutting / silage / cover

Sowing period: Spring & autumn

Utilisation period: Summer & winter

Days to maturity: Approx 70 - 100 days


Expert advice

BARVICOS fixes large amounts of nitrogen and it can be used for green manuring and annual forage production either alone or in a mixture with grasses. It can be typically used 70 - 100 days after sowing, when 30 - 50% of the plants have flowered.


Sowing rate: 

Sown on own: 16-20kg/acre (40-50kg/ha)

Companion plant: 8-10kg/acre

It is recommended to sow a vetch at a depth of 2-3cm


Pack sizes: Available in pack sizes of 25kg

Pack size

A common vetch, delivers a quick coverage of soil, highly productive & rich in proteins.

A common vetch, delivers a quick coverage of soil, highly productive & rich in proteins.

A common vetch, delivers a quick coverage of soil, highly productive & rich in proteins.