Oversowing options with and without chicory

  • Ideal for overseeding into an existing healthy grass ley

  • Options with and without chicory
  • Short Term
  • Medium Term
  • Long Term

SFI CSAM3 Oversow & SFI CSAM3 Oversow (no chicory)

These options are ideal for overseeding into an existing healthy grass ley, where overseeding conditions are appropriate.


SFI CSAM3 Oversow


COMMANDER           0.75kg   Chicory

CAPTAIN                    0.75kg    Plantain

PROTA RED               2.10kg   Red Clover

PROTA WHITE           1.40kg   White Clover


SFI CSAM3 Oversow - No Chicory


CAPTAIN                    0.75kg   Plantain

SHEEPS PARSLEY    0.34kg   Herb

SALAD BURNET        0.30kg   Herb

YARROW                    0.11kg   Herb

PROTA RED               2.10kg   Red Clover

PROTA WHITE           1.40kg   White Clover


5kg/acre product, in a 10kg/acre pack; this can also be oversown at 2.5kg/acre or a 4 acre pack.

With chicory: Medium Term

Without chicory: Long Term


Barenbrug Solutions

We have developed a range of options for the CSAM3 program, to fit into any production system. Clovers will provide nitrogen fixation, protein content in feed, and food for pollinators; herbs provide nutritional variety and mineral content. Taken all together with grass varieties, these mixtures offer a range of rooting structures and below-ground operating systems to help optimise nutrient cycling, soil structure, and sward resilience.




In case of unavailability, Barenbrug UK Ltd reserves the right to substitute any variety in any mixture with one of similar merit. Any change will be detailed on the bag. The placing of an order constitutes an acceptance of our terms and conditions of sale by the buyer. (See our T&Cs)
Should scheme requirements change, products will change accordingly and be updated as soon as is practicable; ensure you are reading the most up to date version of the governmental guidance and this brochure.
Provision of seed as ordered does not constitute Barenbrug UK’s responsibility that the product will be accepted in an SFI scheme. Barenbrug UK Ltd accepts no liability for products used, responsibility lies solely with scheme applicant to ensure products used will satisfy the requirements of that scheme.


Herbal Ley
Cover Crop
Mixed Livestocks
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Grass for Agriculture

The Barenbrug UK range of grass and clover mixtures, for all types of farms, are created to suit each type of grassland and farm management system, providing environmental benefits, biodiversity, high-quality forage yield, better palatability and improved animal health. Use our grass mixture selector tool.

The Barenbrug UK range of grass and clover mixtures, for all types of farms, are created to suit each type of grassland and farm management system, providing environmental benefits, biodiversity, high-quality forage yield, better palatability and improved animal health. Use our...

The Barenbrug UK range of grass and clover mixtures, for all types of farms, are created to suit each type of grassland and farm management system, providing environmental benefits, biodiversity, high-quality forage yield, better palatability and improved animal health. Use our grass mixture selector tool.

Recommended Grass List

Barenbrug UK is a leading organisation within the Recommended Grass and Clover lists, which are drawn up after rigorous testing for attributes such as yield, persistency, quality and disease resistance. With data coming from Barenbrug UK’s own trial site, Cropvale, and evaluated by a panel of experts, these lists can help to decide which variety will suit your requirements. Visit our recommended grass seed pages to see the latest lists.

Barenbrug UK is a leading organisation within the Recommended Grass and Clover lists, which are drawn up after rigorous testing for attributes such as yield, persistency, quality and disease resistance. With data coming from Barenbrug UK’s own trial site, Cropvale, and evaluated...

Barenbrug UK is a leading organisation within the Recommended Grass and Clover lists, which are drawn up after rigorous testing for attributes such as yield, persistency, quality and disease resistance. With data coming from Barenbrug UK’s own trial site, Cropvale, and evaluated by a panel of experts, these lists can help to decide which variety will suit your requirements. Visit our recommended grass seed pages to see the latest lists.