Barenbrug Legumes

Forage Legumes have seen renewed interest in recent years as farmers seek alternative forms of protein rather than buying these in, such as soya. There is an increased awareness of reducing the farms carbon footprint, and with whole farm carbon auditing on the horizon, growing forage legume crops to increase protein levels of silage makes a lot of sense. Legumes have additional benefits for soil health, soil structure and being nitrogen fixing, helping to reduce the reliance on fertiliser inputs for productivity. As well as being used as high protein forage crops, some legumes can also be used as companion crop plants and in cover crop, biodiversity and multi species mixtures.


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Vetch - Barvicos

Delivers rapid soil coverage, highly productive and rich in protein

With vigorous growth, vetch is an ideal cover crop.

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Lucerne - Artémis

A highly nutritious forage for livestock

Lucerne combines good digestibility with high protein.

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