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When to sow
Sow when soil temperature is above 8°C; clover will germinate at 10°C. It’s ideal for early turnout or lambing thanks to its exceptional spring growth.
When to cut & graze
ORGANIC LONG SEASON is a mixture designed for just that, an extended grass growing season. Owing to the continual production from the mixture, there are several options available for cutting.
If early grazing is a priority on the farm, it’s an ideal sward to turn stock into at the start of the year, giving other fields a chance to get started, and when grass supplies become more plentiful elsewhere on the farm, the fields growing ORGANIC LONG SEASON can be closed off for one cut of silage and then re-grazed for the rest of the season.
Alternatively, silage can be cut throughout the year with the potential for four cuts of top quality grass, with the first cut taken in early May. ORGANIC LONG SEASON really opens up all the options for farmers who can utilise grass from the start of the growing season.
Early spring grazing can be followed by two high quality silage cuts and aftermath grazing or season long grazing.
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