Coastal courses

  • 100% slender creeping red fescue blend
  • Germination and survival in salt areas
  • New for 2025: Barnoustie and Barquess - the latest varieties from our European breeding programme



  • Greens
  • Tees
  • Fairways
  • Roughs
  • Bowling Greens


100% slender creeping red fescue



Overseeding and construction of free-draining medium-fine turf areas exposed to saline conditions.



The name SHORELINE is derived from the Latin litoralis, the species name for slender creepers. The mix contains three top-10 ranked varieties in Turfgrass Seed G3: BarnoustieBarquess and Viktorka.

Providing a superior salt tolerance for fescue dominant turf on links and seaside golf courses exposed to salt spray and salt-laden winds, it is suitable for the construction and overseeding of all areas of free-draining turf exposed to salt.

Salt tolerance is a complex issue. Most salt stress issues experienced on golf courses throughout the UK and Ireland are caused by salt spray or salt laden winds. Problems associated with high salinity soils are much more complex, and more difficult to manage due to the ability of varying soil particles to attract salt under differing environmental conditions.

The grass plant’s response to salt stress can vary significantly during its life cycle. The plant’s capabilities at different stages, from germination to established sward must therefore be tested to realise any practical solutions for a dedicated grass seed mix.


Testing on established grass plants has been carried out in two distinct environments; in a glasshouse grown in rootzone and secondly in field trial sites in native soils and imported rootzones from locations naturally exposed to salt stress. Slender creeping red fescue generally demonstrates superior salt tolerance in comparison with Chewings fescues. (See pictures below).



Pictures 1 & 2: Glasshouse salt tolerance trial on three month old established plants at Barenbrug Research. Chewings fescue (left) versus slender creeping red fescue (right) at 30,000ppm salt water irrigation over a period of three months.


Slender creeping red fescue
Slender creeping red fescue
Slender creeping red fescue
Sowing rate
35-45g m²
Sowing depth
Oversowing rate
20-30g per m²
Mowing height
down to 4mm
Pack size
Speed of Establishment
Wear Tolerance
Close-mowing tolerance
Fineness of leaf
Speed of growth
Dark green colour
Shoot density
Low maintenance

Greenkeepers, Course Managers and Golf Course Superintendents rely on the Barenbrug Sport grass seed range designed for golf courses.

Greenkeepers, Course Managers and Golf Course Superintendents rely on the Barenbrug Sport grass seed range designed for golf courses.

Greenkeepers, Course Managers and Golf Course Superintendents rely on the Barenbrug Sport grass seed range designed for golf courses.

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